Would you like to know more about how Art can drive Sustainable Change?
Would you like to learn how the 'Artists for Sustainability Network WA' can become a hub of professionals that can help Communities, Local Governments, Industries, and Organisations tackle complex environmental problems with creative solutions?
Then come to this Incubator Event: 'Artists for Sustainability Network WA.'
At this event, we will...
*discuss the power of Art to enhance sustainability
*learn about the research findings "Art as a Vital Contribution for a Sustainable Transition."
*review UN Sustainable Development Goals
*check out current WA Sustainability Arts projects
*learn about the aims and opportunities of the Network
You will be able to connect with others that are interested in using Art as s a tool for change through creative solutions, and you can sign up to become part of this Network.
Prior to this event, you will have the opportunity to attend a guided visit at Busselton Jetty to introduce the Underwater Sculptures Project.
Find out more about the Network: Here