Past Exhibitions

Joel Davies
Sharon Custers Sharon Custers

Joel Davies

Busselton emerging potters Tish Kneuker and Adam O’Byrne are featuring their ocean inspired works in the Police Station at the Old Courthouse Complex, Busselton. Quirky treasures as though recovered from sea floor, this emerging artist exhibition features both functional and sculptural pottery to capture the imagination.

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Felicity McQueen Felicity McQueen


“Serendipity,” a photography and basketry exhibition By Sandy Winkle, inspired by travels to India and Bangladesh.

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Summer Reflections
Sharon Custers Sharon Custers

Summer Reflections

“My passion for colour and imagery encourages an emotional response.” said McFaull. 

Energetic brushstrokes and bold colours are built over multiple layers, resulting in a visual feast with rich, organic patterns and shapes dancing and interacting together.  These impressionist styled works glow with life and energy.

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Deep Sea Discoveries
Sharon Custers Sharon Custers

Deep Sea Discoveries

Busselton emerging potters Tish Kneuker and Adam O’Byrne are featuring their ocean inspired works in the Police Station at the Old Courthouse Complex, Busselton. Quirky treasures as though recovered from sea floor, this emerging artist exhibition features both functional and sculptural pottery to capture the imagination.

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Marking their identity
Sharon Custers Sharon Custers

Marking their identity

An exhibition of artwork by the Certificate III & IV Visual Art students from Busselton & Margaret River campuses.

Emerging artists from South Regional TAFE's Certificate III and IV in Visual Arts present an evocative collection of works spanning diverse mediums and techniques. This exhibition brings together talented students from both Busselton and Margaret River campuses, showcasing selected pieces from their creative journey.

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Queer Perspectives
Sharon Custers Sharon Custers

Queer Perspectives

To celebrate WA Pride Month in November, Busselton Pride Alliance presents the Queer Perspectives Exhibition. This exhibition showcases the voices of LGBTQIA+ artists from across WA and highlights their unique perspectives. The exhibition includes photography, sculpture, digital art and painting, and the artists include both emerging and experienced artists. The wide spectrum of styles and subject matter serves to highlight the diversity of perspectives within the LGBTQIA+ community.

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Seafarer’s Canvas
Sharon Custers Sharon Custers

Seafarer’s Canvas

Now on Show

The Seafarer’s Canvas - A group exhibition showcasing works by 19 artists
Georgia Zoric - Sharon Williams - Barbara Weeks - Abbey Telfer - Carol Seeley - Deb Robins - Graeme-Pages Oliver - Chris Oakley - Carol Mulhearn - Rhonda Moore - Tamorin Lavers - Lara Louise Karpeljuk - Lynda Feodorovs - Robert Davis - Dee Credaro - Lynne Boladeras - Jean Barrett - Tracie Anderson - Alice Alder

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Illusory Space
Felicity McQueen Felicity McQueen

Illusory Space

Title Illusory Space

Dates 18th July - 5th August 2024

Location Old Courthouse Complex, Busselton

Statement Gerald is a multimedia artist based in the South West with paintings represented in private

collections in Australia and the UK. Trained as a video lighting cameraman producing programs

for Industry and Commerce, Gerald now paints abstracts full time and teaches Impressionist

landscape painting in oils with a palette knife.

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Living on the Edge
Sharon Custers Sharon Custers

Living on the Edge

Trish Waters, a renowned artist known for her captivating paintings and intricate basketry, announces her upcoming exhibition titled "Living on the Edge."

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Collective Works by Angelina Naglazas
Sharon Custers Sharon Custers

Collective Works by Angelina Naglazas

Renowned Perth artist Angelina Naglazas invites art enthusiasts and the community at large to immerse themselves in a vibrant showcase of her Collective Works in the Bond Store, Old Courthouse Complex in Busselton. From May 2nd to June 3rd, 2024, visitors will have the opportunity to experience Naglazas' unique artistic journey through an eclectic display of paintings.

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Portraits In Time: A Celebration of Life
Sharon Custers Sharon Custers

Portraits In Time: A Celebration of Life

Launching in March 2024, the Busselton and Southwest Heritage Festival aims to promote and celebrate the history, culture, and heritage of the region. Opening on March 2nd at 10am at the Old Courthouse, Busselton with an exhibition titled 'Timber!' visitors will immerse into a narrative around industry, the natural environment and Connection to Country. There will be events, talks, tours, art workshops, gigs and more across March and held at different venues throughout the district. The Busselton and Southwest Heritage Festival encourages you to share your story and learn more about the beautiful region we live, work, and play in, or love to visit.

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Moments of Insight
Sharon Custers Sharon Custers

Moments of Insight

Anastasija Komarnyckyj is set to unveil her latest body of work, "Moments of Insight," a captivating exploration of the essence of medieval village life. The exhibition, expressed through the fundamental mediums of drawing, mixed media, and ceramics, offers a unique perspective on history, vulnerability, and the simplicity of life within the medieval village setting.

"Moments of Insight" is not merely an art exhibition; it is an immersive journey into history, culture, and the shared human experience. Anastasija Komarnyckyi's ability to breathe life into her creations offers viewers a unique opportunity to connect with the past while contemplating the timeless essence of human existence.

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        Not Just a Pretty Face
Sharon Custers Sharon Custers

Not Just a Pretty Face

This unique exhibition showcases the diverse talents of the dedicated individuals who work tirelessly behind the scenes to bring the magic of the arts to our community. From administrators to technicians, educators to curators, our staff members wear many hats within the complex. This exhibition provides them with the opportunity to don yet another hat – that of the artist.

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Inspired by Nature
Sharon Custers Sharon Custers

Inspired by Nature

Lesley Curtis is proud to present a captivating art exhibition that pays tribute to the exquisite world of native birds and animals. This exhibition promises to be a visual feast, offering a unique glimpse into the heart and soul of an artist who has spent over 11 years capturing the vibrant beauty of our avian neighbours and their friends.

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Inspired by Margaret & the Tweed Valley
Sharon Custers Sharon Custers

Inspired by Margaret & the Tweed Valley

Returning from a five-week residency at Tweed Regional Gallery & Margaret Olley Art Centre in Northern NSW, Nannup artist, Miranda Free presents works created in response to the lush landscape surrounding the gallery and still life works that owe a debt to the incomparable Margaret Olley.

Miranda undertook a project that explored the temporality of landscape where she attempted to imbue her landscape works with an indication of the variability of nature day to day and hour to hour.

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Wildflowers and Landscape Exhibition
Sharon Custers Sharon Custers

Wildflowers and Landscape Exhibition

This exhibition is in conjunction with the annual community event, Wildflowers and Environment Show, which highlights wildflowers & the natural environment of the southwest of WA.

Artists from the southwest have submitted their work to be a part of this exhibition which celebrates the love of WA wildflowers and the beauty of the landscapes we are surrounded by.

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The Works
Sharon Custers Sharon Custers

The Works

Ten dedicated artists who meet every Tuesday to paint are holding their latest show in the Old Courthouse in Busselton. The group who meet in the Fodder Room every week are excited to present a selection of the pieces from this year’s work. The group consists of Linda Belford, Maggie Caramia, Julie Carter, Katie Gaskin, Lesley Healy, Leisa Maslin, Sonja Neubauer, Jenny Steele, Wendy Wicksteed and Sharon Wilkins.

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